Smooth scroll anchor links WITHOUT jQuery

Extending this answer:

After defining your function of scrollTo, you can pass the element you want to scrollTo in the function.

function scrollTo(element, to, duration) {
    if (duration <= 0) return;
    var difference = to - element.scrollTop;
    var perTick = difference / duration * 10;

    setTimeout(function() {
        element.scrollTop = element.scrollTop + perTick;
        if (element.scrollTop === to) return;
        scrollTo(element, to, duration - 10);
    }, 10);

If you have a div with an id=”footer”

<div id="footer" class="categories">…</div>

In the script that you run to scroll you can run this,

elmnt = document.getElementById("footer");
scrollTo(document.body, elmnt.offsetTop, 600);

And there you have it. Smooth scrolling without jQuery. You can actually play around with that code on your browser’s console and fine tune it to your liking.

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