StackWalk64 on Windows – Get symbol name

You have set symbol.MaxNameLength to 255, but you allocated “symbol” on the stack with IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 symbol;. That type is defined as:

typedef struct _IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 {
  DWORD   SizeOfStruct;
  DWORD64 Address;
  DWORD   Size;
  DWORD   Flags;
  DWORD   MaxNameLength;
  TCHAR   Name[1];

Notice that the Name field only has one character by default. If you want to store bigger names, you need to do something like:

 const int MaxNameLen = 255;
 IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64* pSymbol = 
 pSymbol->MaxNameLength = MaxNameLen;

Otherwise, SymGetSymFromAddr64() is likely to overwrite memory. Here is what the help page for the structure says (emphasis added):

MaxNameLength: The maximum length of
the string that the Name member can
contain, in characters, not including
the null-terminating character.
Because symbol names can vary in
length, this data structure is
allocated by the caller. This member
is used so the library knows how much
memory is available for use by the
symbol name.

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