Store a reference to a value type?

You cannot store a reference to a variable in a field or array. The CLR requires that a reference to a variable be in (1) a formal parameter, (2) a local, or (3) the return type of a method. C# supports (1) but not the other two.

(ASIDE: It is possible for C# to support the other two; in fact I have written a prototype compiler that does implement those features. It’s pretty neat. (See for details.) Of course one has to write an algorithm that verifies that no ref local could possibly be referring to a local that was on a now-destroyed stack frame, which gets a bit tricky, but its doable. Perhaps we will support this in a hypothetical future version of the language. (UPDATE: It was added to C# 7!))

However, you can make a variable have arbitrarily long lifetime, by putting it in a field or array. If what you need is a “reference” in the sense of “I need to store an alias to an arbitrary variable”, then, no. But if what you need is a reference in the sense of “I need a magic token that lets me read and write a particular variable”, then just use a delegate, or a pair of delegates.

sealed class Ref<T> 
    private Func<T> getter;
    private Action<T> setter;
    public Ref(Func<T> getter, Action<T> setter)
        this.getter = getter;
        this.setter = setter;
    public T Value
        get { return getter(); }
        set { setter(value); }
Ref<string> M() 
    string x = "hello";
    Ref<string> rx = new Ref<string>(()=>x, v=>{x=v;});
    rx.Value = "goodbye";
    Console.WriteLine(x); // goodbye
    return rx;

The outer local variable x will stay alive at least until rx is reclaimed.

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