Stored procedure hangs seemingly without explanation

I think that this is related to parameter sniffing and the need to parameterize your input params to local params within the SP. Adding with recompile causes the execution plan to be recreated and eliminates much of the benefits of having a SP. We were using With Recompile on many reports in an attempt to eliminate this hanging issue and it occassionally resulted in hanging SP’s that may have been related to other locks and/or transactions accessing the same tables simultaneously. See this link for more details
Parameter Sniffing (or Spoofing) in SQL Server and change your SP’s to the following to fix this:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SPNAME] @p1 int, @p2 int

DECLARE @localp1 int, @localp2 int

SET @localp1=@p1
SET @localp2=@p2

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