How to check if a file is signed in C#? [closed]

Assuming you want to check if a file is Authenticode signed and that the certificate is trusted you can pinvoke to WinVerifyTrust in Wintrust.dll. Below is a wrapper (more or less reproduced from here) that can be called as follows: AuthenticodeTools.IsTrusted(@”path\to\some\signed\file.exe”) Where AuthenticodeTools is defined as follows: internal static class AuthenticodeTools { [DllImport(“Wintrust.dll”, PreserveSig = … Read more

Problems with running EXE file built with Visual Studio on another computer

Applications built with Visual Studio depend on Visual C++ Redistibutable (VCRedist). When the program is being linked dynamically, then your binaries will need MSVCR**.dll (Microsoft C Runtime Library). On MSDN, there is a nice article called Redistributing Visual C++ Files (for Visual Studio 2008), that states that there are Potential run-time errors in case that … Read more

Run Exe file as an Embedded Resource in C#

First add the embeded executable file as resource file to your existing resource file, if you dont have one, then you need to [add existing item to your project, and select resource file] When you add the executable file in resource editor page, select type as [Files], then find your embeded excutable file and add … Read more