Java: run as administrator

You have to create a manifest file that specifies that your application needs administrator permissions. You can include the manifest in your exe or keep it as a separate file (yourapp.exe.manifest)

Create a single executable from a Python project

Here are some common ones. I’ve included only projects that are being actively maintained as of my last edit (July 2021). Unless otherwise noted, all programs listed below will produce an exe specifically for the operating system it’s running in. So for example, running Pyinstaller in Windows will produce a Windows exe, but running Pyinstaller … Read more

How can I convert my Java program to an .exe file?

javapackager The Java Packager tool compiles, packages, and prepares Java and JavaFX applications for distribution. The javapackager command is the command-line version. – Oracle’s documentation The javapackager utility ships with the JDK. It can generate .exe files with the -native exe flag, among many other things. WinRun4J WinRun4j is a java launcher for windows. It … Read more