Is there a guarantee of stdout auto-flush before exit? How does it work?

This is accomplished by these two sections in the C++ language specification: [basic.start.main] A return statement in main has the effect of leaving the main function and calling exit with the return value as the argument. and [] The function exit has additional behavior in this International Standard: … Next, all open C streams with … Read more

C++ cout and cin buffers, and buffers in general

The basic idea of buffering is to combine operations into bigger chunks: instead of reading small number of bytes, read an entire page and make this available as requested; instead of writing small number of bytes, buffer them up and write an entire page or when writing is explicitly requested. Essentially, this is an important … Read more

How can I output data before I end the response?

There actually is a way that you can do this without setting Content-Type: text/plain and still use text/html as the Content-Type, but you need to tell the browser to expect chunks of data. This can be done easily like this: var http = require(‘http’); http.createServer(function(request, response) { response.setHeader(‘Connection’, ‘Transfer-Encoding’); response.setHeader(‘Content-Type’, ‘text/html; charset=utf-8’); response.setHeader(‘Transfer-Encoding’, ‘chunked’); response.write(‘hello’); … Read more

Does python logging flush every log?

Yes, it does flush the output at every call. You can see this in the source code for the StreamHandler: def flush(self): “”” Flushes the stream. “”” self.acquire() try: if and hasattr(, “flush”): finally: self.release() def emit(self, record): “”” Emit a record. If a formatter is specified, it is used to format the … Read more

Does new line character also flush the buffer?

Converting comments into an answer. It depends on where cout is going. If it goes to a terminal (‘interactive device’), then it can’t be fully buffered — it is usually line buffered, meaning that characters appear after a newline is printed, or could in theory be unbuffered. If it is going to a pipe or … Read more

flush in

Writers and streams usually buffer some of your output data in memory and try to write it in bigger blocks at a time. flushing will cause an immediate write to disk from the buffer, so if the program crashes that data won’t be lost. Of course there’s no guarantee, as the disk may not physically … Read more