Do GitHub pages support PHP? [closed]

A static site cannot by definition support PHP. Static websites serve content directly from the web-server’s file-system exactly as stored. Dynamic websites generate content live per each request. The request is delegated to a running web-application that builds the content. What is a Static Website You might be interested in PieCrust. It is a static … Read more

Can I create more than one repository for github pages?

You can have one site published to https://<username> by publishing to the master branch of a repository named “” (substituting your actual username). You can also have an additional site per GitHub project published to https://<username><project>. Project settings let you choose which branch and directory to publish. A better description is available in the GitHub … Read more

How to properly commit in repository with Github Pages branch

I have a pair of scripts that do exactly this. In my situation, doc sources are in . (relative to where the scripts are run, of course), generated documentation is in _build/html, and I issue the commands touch _build/html/.nojekyll # disable GitHub’s Jekyll page generator ./ _build/html where is #! /bin/sh # Commit the … Read more

How to force GitHub Pages build?

From GitHub support, 2014-06-07: It’s not currently possible to manually trigger a rebuild, without pushing a commit to the appropriate branch. Edit: As Andy pointed out in the comments, you can push an empty commit with the command: git commit -m ‘rebuild pages’ –allow-empty git push origin <branch-name> Edit 2: Thanks to GitHub Actions, it’s … Read more