Visualizing Undirected Graph That’s Too Large for GraphViz? [closed]

Graphviz itself provides a solution for rendering large graphs. Namely, Graphviz includes sfdp, a multiscale version of fdp (also in graphviz, similar to neato) for the layout of large undirected graphs which has been useful for drawing large graphs (70k nodes, 500k edges) in my project. You can find documentation for this software on the … Read more

How do I run graphx with Python / pyspark?

You should look at GraphFrames (, which wraps GraphX algorithms under the DataFrames API and it provides Python interface. Here is a quick example from, with slight modification so that it works first start pyspark with the graphframes pkg loaded pyspark –packages graphframes:graphframes:0.1.0-spark1.6 python code: from graphframes import * # Create a Vertex DataFrame … Read more

Sample Directed Graph and Topological Sort Code [closed]

Here is a simple implementation of the first algorithm from the Wikipedia page on Topological Sort: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; public class Graph { static class Node{ public final String name; public final HashSet<Edge> inEdges; public final HashSet<Edge> outEdges; public Node(String name) { = name; inEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(); outEdges … Read more