Handlebars Template rendering template as text

I assume that unescaping in Handlebars works the same as in vanilla Mustache. In that case use triple mustaches to unescape html, i,e: {{{unescapedhtml}}}, like: <script id=”quiz-result” type=”text/x-handlebars-template”> {{#each rounds}} {{{round_end_result}}} {{/each}} <div class=”clear”></div> for ref see: http://mustache.github.com/mustache.5.html

Using pre-compiled templates with Handlebars.js (jQuery Mobile environment)

So after much trial and error (which is the best way to learn it) here’s the way that works for me. First- externalize all your templates, say you have a template inside script tags like <script id=”tmpl_ownevents” type=”text/templates”> {{#unless event}} <div class=”notfoundevents”><p>No events for you</p></div> {{/unless}} </script> Create a new file called events.tmpl and copy/paste … Read more

how express forming the img URL

This is just how browser’s handle relative paths. You have a Handlebars template that contains the following: <img src=”{{file}}” class=”responsive-img”> The value of file is set to uploads/${req.file.filename}, which becomes something like uploads/myImage-1589223958713.PNG. When your template is executed with above value for file you get: <img src=”uploads/myImage-1589223958713.PNG” class=”responsive-img”> When the browser sees a relative URL, … Read more

Handlebarsjs check if a string is equal to a value

It seems you can’t do it “directly” Try use helper, why not? Register helper in your javascript code: Handlebars.registerHelper(‘ifEquals’, function(arg1, arg2, options) { return (arg1 == arg2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this); }); Use in template: {{#ifEquals sampleString “This is a string”}} Your HTML here {{/ifEquals}} More details here: Logical operator in a handlebars.js {{#if}} conditional … Read more

Need Handlebars.js to render object data instead of “[Object object]”

When outputting {{user}}, Handlebars will first retrieve the user‘s .toString() value. For plain Objects, the default result of this is the “[object Object]” you’re seeing. To get something more useful, you’ll either want to display a specific property of the object: {{user.id}} {{user.name}} Or, you can use/define a helper to format the object differently: Handlebars.registerHelper(‘json’, … Read more

Passing variables through handlebars partial

Handlebars partials take a second parameter which becomes the context for the partial: {{> person this}} In versions v2.0.0 alpha and later, you can also pass a hash of named parameters: {{> person headline=”Headline”}} You can see the tests for these scenarios: https://github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/blob/ce74c36118ffed1779889d97e6a2a1028ae61510/spec/qunit_spec.js#L456-L462 https://github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/blob/e290ec24f131f89ddf2c6aeb707a4884d41c3c6d/spec/partials.js#L26-L32