import android.R in Eclipse : Why?

This is not a bug. There are a few instances where android.R can be helpful and solve problems. android.R is an file like the one you have in your own projects. The one in your projects (your.packagename.R) holds references to the resources you have under your /res folder like layouts, drawables, XML files, raw … Read more

Import CSV to Update rows in table

You can use temporary table to hold the update data and then run single update statement. CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_update_table (meta_key, meta_value) LOAD DATA INFILE ‘your_csv_pathname’ INTO TABLE temp_update_table FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘;’ (meta_key, meta_value); UPDATE “table” INNER JOIN temp_update_table on temp_update_table.meta_key = “table”.meta_key SET “table”.meta_value = temp_update_table.meta_value; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE temp_update_table;

using import inside class

Everything defined inside the namespace of a class has to be accessed from that class. That holds for methods, variables, nested classes and everything else including modules. If you really want to import a module inside a class you must access it from that class: class Test: import time as zeit def timer(self): self.zeit.sleep(2) # … Read more