Get outputs from jq on a single line

-c is what you likely need Using the output you posted above, you can process it further: jq -c . input To Give; {“key”:”SEA-739″,”status”:”Open”,”assignee”:null} {“key”:”SEA-738″,”status”:”Resolved”,”assignee”:”[email protected]”} Or you can just change your original command FROM jq -r ‘(.issues[] | {key, status:, assignee: .fields.assignee.emailAddress})’ TO jq -c ‘(.issues[] | {key, status:, assignee: .fields.assignee.emailAddress})’

How to format a JSON string as a table using jq?

Using the @tsv filter has much to recommend it, mainly because it handles numerous “edge cases” in a standard way: .[] | [.id, .name] | @tsv Adding the headers can be done like so: jq -r ‘[“ID”,”NAME”], [“–“,”——“], (.[] | [.id, .name]) | @tsv’ The result: ID NAME — —— 12 George 18 Jack 19 … Read more