how to set up an inline svg with webpack

Here is a simple non-react solution. Install Svg inline loader In webpack.config.js add { test: /\.svg$/, loader: ‘svg-inline-loader’ } In your js file import svg image and add it to a DOM element like so import Svg from ‘./svg.svg’; function component() { const element = document.createElement(‘div’); element.innerHTML = Svg; return element; } document.body.appendChild(component());

VA (Virtual Address) & RVA (Relative Virtual Address)

Most Windows process (*.exe) are loaded in (user mode) memory address 0x00400000, that’s what we call the “virtual address” (VA) – because they are visible only to each process, and will be converted to different physical addresses by the OS (visible by the kernel / driver layer). For example, a possible physical memory address (visible … Read more

How does CorFlags.exe /32BIT+ work?

This isn’t well documented in any place I know of, I can only point you to a relevant MSDN article. Yes, your assumption is correct, the loader in Windows XP and up has awareness of managed executables. It automatically loads the .NET loader shim (c:\windows\system32\mscoree.dll), the relevant entrypoint is _CorValidateImage(). The Remarks section in the … Read more

How to create multiple output paths in Webpack config

Webpack does support multiple output paths. Set the output paths as the entry key. And use the name as output template. webpack config: entry: { ‘module/a/index’: ‘module/a/index.js’, ‘module/b/index’: ‘module/b/index.js’, }, output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, ‘dist’), filename: ‘[name].js’ } generated: └── module ├── a │   └── index.js └── b └── index.js

How to show Page Loading div until the page has finished loading?

Original Answer I’ve needed this and after some research I came up with this (jQuery needed): First, right after the <body> tag add this: <div id=”loading”> <img id=”loading-image” src=”path/to/ajax-loader.gif” alt=”Loading…” /> </div> Then add the style class for the div and image to your CSS: #loading { position: fixed; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; … Read more