Oauth 2.0 authorization for LinkedIn in Android

Oauth2.0 authentication for LinkedIN. Step 1: Register your app with linkedIn by following this document. And get your api_key and api_secret. Step 2: MainActivity: public class MainActivity extends Activity { /*CONSTANT FOR THE AUTHORIZATION PROCESS*/ /****FILL THIS WITH YOUR INFORMATION*********/ //This is the public api key of our application private static final String API_KEY = … Read more

ASP.NET Web API 2: How do I log in with external authentication services?

I had the same problem today and found the following solution: At first get all available providers GET /api/Account/ExternalLogins?returnUrl=%2F&generateState=true The response message is a list in json format [{“name”:”Facebook”, “url”:”/api/Account/ExternalLogin?provider=Facebook&response_type=token&client_id=self&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A15359%2F&state=QotufgXRptkAfJvcthIOWBnGZydgVkZWsx8YrQepeDk1″, “state”:”QotufgXRptkAfJvcthIOWBnGZydgVkZWsx8YrQepeDk1″}] Now send a GET request to the url of the provider you want to use. You will be redirected to the login page of … Read more

Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication?

UPDATE July 21st, 2012 Google Analytics API V3 now supports OAuth2 tokens returned by a .p12-signed JWT request. That is, we can now use the Analytics API w/ service accounts. Currently pulling 4 years of day-by-day metrics, just for the hell of it. Here’s a quick ‘n’ dirty step-by-step: Go to the Google API Console … Read more