Implement a coin jar in C# [closed]

Few problems with your implementation: You are exposing both coinage and volume as writtable, meaning I can say coinage = 100000; volumne = 0; and your program will continue as if nothing was wrong. You are requiring the user to calculate volume, don’t make your user do math you can do You aren’t actually allowing … Read more

how to i add objects to an array ? ruby

I think the following will be of some help to get started: class Dog def speak puts “woof” end end class Cat def speak puts “meow” end end class PetLover attr_accessor :species def initialize @species = [Dog, Cat] end def random_animal @species[rand(@species.size)].new end def animals(n) ary = [] n.times do ary << random_animal end ary … Read more

“Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token , ” when create my object javascript

All objects must have keys. You define an object using curly bracers {}. Basically what you are saying is, add an array with one object that has no keys defined. If you want an array with the values a,b,c,d you can remove the bracers: myObjectList[0] = [“a”, “b”, “c”, “d”]; You always define objects with … Read more

Pick data from array of objects and return new object

This really is a simple one liner via map and delete or map and ES6 destructuring as shown in the 2 examples bellow: var data = [{ “first”: “Linda”, “last”: “Donson”, “salary”: “4000USD” }, { “first”: “Mark”, “last”: “Sullivan”, “salary”: “3500USD” } ] console.log( => delete(x.salary) && x)) Also if you are concerned about mutating … Read more