Is string check returns false

To meet your method name, you need this: protected bool IsStringAndNotNullAndEmpty(object value) { var s = value as string; return s == string.Empty; } Changing its name to IsEmptyString(object value) would be clearer though. It seems the OP actually wants a method that returns true for non-empty strings. So what is required is: protected bool … Read more

How Can i Change the style of my angularjs object?

Here’s a plunker(just JS) : var array = [ { 9 : “Alfreds Futterkiste”, 10 : “Berlin”, Room : “201” }, { 9 : “Vaffeljernet”, 10: “Ã…rhus”, Room : “204” } ]; var result = {}; array.forEach(function(obj) { //function runs once for each element in the array, obj = element at current index result[obj.Room] = … Read more