VBA Run-time error 438 appears when “paste” runs

Try Selection.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll Paste by itself works on several objects, most notably Worksheet but not on a Range object which is what your Selection is. To paste to a Range you really have to use the PasteSpecial method with its’ available arguements such as xlPasteAll; xlPasteValues; xlPasteFormulas; xlPasteFormats and others which you can see by … Read more

How to paste columns from separate files using bash?

You were on track with paste(1): $ paste -d , date1.csv date2.csv Bob,2013-06-03T17:18:07,2012-12-02T18:30:31 James,2013-06-03T17:18:07,2012-12-02T18:28:37 Kevin,2013-06-03T17:18:07,2013-06-01T12:16:05 It’s a bit unclear from your question if there are leading spaces on those lines. If you want to get rid of that in the final output, you can use cut(1) to snip it off before pasting: $ cut -c … Read more

How do you copy/paste from the clipboard in C++?

In windows look at the following API: OpenClipBoard EmptyClipboard SetClipboardData CloseClipboard GetClipboardData An extensive discussion can be found here. Obviously this topic is strongly operating system related. And if you are using some framework (ie MFC/ATL) you generally find some helper infrastructure. This reply refer to the lowest API level in WIndows. If you are … Read more

Concatenate rows of a data frame

While others have focused on why your code isn’t working and how to improve it, I’m going to try and focus more on getting the result you want. From your description, it seems you can readily achieve what you want using paste: df <- data.frame(letters = LETTERS[1:5], numbers = 1:5, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) paste(df$letters, df$numbers, sep=””)) ## … Read more

jQuery bind to Paste Event, how to get the content of the paste

There is an onpaste event that works in modern day browsers. You can access the pasted data using the getData function on the clipboardData object. $(“#textareaid”).bind(“paste”, function(e){ // access the clipboard using the api var pastedData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData(‘text’); alert(pastedData); } ); Note that bind and unbind are deprecated as of jQuery 3. The preferred call … Read more

Split a character vector into individual characters? (opposite of paste or stringr::str_c)

Yes, strsplit will do it. strsplit returns a list, so you can either use unlist to coerce the string to a single character vector, or use the list index [[1]] to access first element. x <- paste(LETTERS, collapse = “”) unlist(strsplit(x, split = “”)) # [1] “A” “B” “C” “D” “E” “F” “G” “H” “I” … Read more