Multi-Column Primary Key in MySQL 5

Quoted from the CREATE TABLE Syntax page: A PRIMARY KEY can be a multiple-column index. However, you cannot create a multiple-column index using the PRIMARY KEY key attribute in a column specification. Doing so only marks that single column as primary. You must use a separate PRIMARY KEY(index_col_name, …) clause. Something like this can be … Read more

How can I set two primary key fields for my models in Django?

Update Django 4.0 Django 4.0 documentation recommends using UniqueConstraint with the constraints option instead of unique_together. Use UniqueConstraint with the constraints option instead. UniqueConstraint provides more functionality than unique_together. unique_together may be deprecated in the future. class Hop(models.Model): migration = models.ForeignKey(‘Migration’) host = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name=”host_set”) class Meta: constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint( fields=[‘migration’, ‘host’], name=”unique_migration_host_combination” ) … Read more

adding primary key to sql view

We can add a disabled primary key constraint to a view. That is, the constraint does not fire if an insert or update is run against the view. The database expects integrity to be maintained through constraints on the underlying tables. So the constraint exists solely for the purposes of documentation. SQL> create view emp_view … Read more

Composite PRIMARY KEY enforces NOT NULL constraints on involved columns

If you need to allow NULL values, use a UNIQUE constraint (or index) instead of a PRIMARY KEY (and add a surrogate PK column – I suggest a serial or IDENTITY column in Postgres 10 or later). Auto increment table column A UNIQUE constraint allows columns to be NULL: CREATE TABLE distributor ( distributor_id GENERATED … Read more