How do I set up custom styles for reStructuredText, Sphinx, ReadTheDocs, etc.?

Edit: as of 2021 the following answer is outdated, please use html_css_files = [] in your instead of using the application API after version 1.8 (current Sphinx version at time of writing is 4.1.1). The add_stylesheet option below has been renamed add_css_file in version 1.8, and seems more intended for Sphinx extension developers. Assumptions … Read more

Format text in a link in reStructuredText

This construct: Here you have |optparse.OptionParser|_. .. |optparse.OptionParser| replace:: “optparse.OptionParser“ documentation .. _optparse.OptionParser: produces this HTML (some linebreaks added): <p>Here you have <a class=”reference external” href=””> <tt class=”docutils literal”><span class=”pre”>optparse.OptionParser</span></tt> documentation</a>. </p> I realize that this is not exactly what you asked for, but maybe it’s close enough. See also

Sphinx cannot find my python files. Says ‘no module named …’

This is the usual “canonical approach” to “getting started” applied to the case when your source code resides in a src directory like Project/src instead of simply being inside the Project base directory. Follows these steps: Create a docs directory in your Project directory (it’s from this docs directory the commands in the following steps … Read more