Rails Console: reload! not reflecting changes in model files? What could be possible reason?

reload! only reloads the latest code in the console environment. It does not re-initialize existing objects. This means if you have already instantiated any objects, their attributes would not be updated – including newly introduced validations. However, if you create a new object, its attributes (and also validations) will reflect the reloaded code. more here

Is there an easy way to reload css without reloading the page?

Possibly not applicable for your situation, but here’s the jQuery function I use for reloading external stylesheets: /** * Forces a reload of all stylesheets by appending a unique query string * to each stylesheet URL. */ function reloadStylesheets() { var queryString = ‘?reload=’ + new Date().getTime(); $(‘link[rel=”stylesheet”]’).each(function () { this.href = this.href.replace(/\?.*|$/, queryString); }); … Read more

How do I refresh a page using JavaScript?

Use location.reload(). For example, to reload whenever an element with id=”something” is clicked: $(‘#something’).click(function() { location.reload(); }); The reload() function takes an optional parameter that can be set to true to force a reload from the server rather than the cache. The parameter defaults to false, so by default the page may reload from the … Read more

How do I detect a page refresh using jquery?

$(‘body’).bind(‘beforeunload’,function(){ //do something }); But this wont save any info for later, unless you were planning on saving that in a cookie somewhere (or local storage) and the unload event does not always fire in all browsers. Example: http://jsfiddle.net/maniator/qpK7Y/ Code: $(window).bind(‘beforeunload’,function(){ //save info somewhere return ‘are you sure you want to leave?’; });

How to automatically reload a web page at a certain time?

The following JavaScript snippet will allow you to refresh at a given time: function refreshAt(hours, minutes, seconds) { var now = new Date(); var then = new Date(); if(now.getHours() > hours || (now.getHours() == hours && now.getMinutes() > minutes) || now.getHours() == hours && now.getMinutes() == minutes && now.getSeconds() >= seconds) { then.setDate(now.getDate() + 1); … Read more