Schema comparison of two dataframes in scala

Based on @Derek Kaknes‘s answer, here’s the solution I came up with for comparing schemas, being concerned only about column name, datatype & nullability and indifferent to metadata import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, StructField} def getCleanedSchema(df: DataFrame): Map[String, (DataType, Boolean)] = { { (structField: StructField) => -> (structField.dataType, structField.nullable) }.toMap } // Compare relevant … Read more

Spring v3 no declaration can be found for element ‘mvc:resources’

In your spring context xml mvc namespace url should match url in schemaLocation. Something like this: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <beans xmlns=”” xmlns:mvc=”” xsi:schemaLocation=””> This is a standard XML namespace declaration. The namespace url is sort of an unique id, which is then mapped to the actual schema location in xsi:schemaLocation.

Escaping Regex to get Valid JSON

Its just the slashes that are messing up the validation you could encode them using %5C which is the hex encoding of \ or what Mike W says you could double escape like \\ and then you could just decode them when you want to use them

targetNamespace and xmlns without prefix, what is the difference?

targetNamespace is an XML Schema “artifact”; its purpose: to indicate what particular XML namespace the schema file describes. xmlns – because the XML Schema is an XML document, it is then possible to define a default XML namespace for the XML file itself (this is what xmlns attribute does); the implications are multiple: authoring, and … Read more

Mongoose: extending schemas

Mongoose 3.8.1 now has support for Discriminators. A sample, from here: function BaseSchema() { Schema.apply(this, arguments); this.add({ name: String, createdAt: Date }); } util.inherits(BaseSchema, Schema); var PersonSchema = new BaseSchema(); var BossSchema = new BaseSchema({ department: String }); var Person = mongoose.model(‘Person’, PersonSchema); var Boss = Person.discriminator(‘Boss’, BossSchema);