What is target membership in Xcode 4

Generally header files are not members of targets. Making an implementation file a member of a target tells Xcode to compile the file when you build the target. In your example Xcode compiles the file myAppFile.m when you build the myAppTests target but not when you build the myApp target. When you have an application … Read more

How to disable no inverse relationship warning for CoreData in Xcode 4.2?

In XCode 5, 6 and 7, you can still set the variable. Navigate to Build Settings A. Select your project on the left side bar under Project Navigator. B. Select the “Build Settings” tab. Find and set MOMC_NO_INVERSE_RELATIONSHIP_WARNINGS A. Select ‘All’ in the upper left of the main screen. B. Search for MOMC_NO_INVERSE_RELATIONSHIP_WARNINGS by pasting … Read more

Xcode 4 plugin development

As far as I know there is no official way to create Xcode 4 plugins (just like there wasn’t one for v3.x). Here is an openradar on Xcode’s lack of plugin support: Please support the ability for 3rd parties to extend Xcode via a public plugin API. Aperture, Visual Studio, Eclipse, TextMate and other applications … Read more