How to do this image transformation?

I felt like coding it up in C++ for you rather than using the command line like for my other answer, so I have put it as a different answer. On top, it also actually implements the Douglas-Peucker algorithm and, for fun and good measure, animates it. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main.cpp // Mark Setchell // To … Read more

SVG. Reverse image using css. Keep image at the same place

Use transform-origin and transform-box $(“.example”).on(“click”, function(e){ $(“reverse”); }) .reverse{ transform: scaleX(-1); transform-origin: center; transform-box: fill-box; } <script src=””></script> <div style=”width: 700px;height: 700px;margin-left: 100px”> <svg viewBox=”-200 0 700 700″> <image class=”example” href=”” width=”150px” height=”150px” x=”50″, y=”50″/> <image class=”example” href=”” width=”150px” height=”100px” x=”100″, y=”0″/> <!–x value can be changed during time–> </svg> </div>

Converting a PDF to PNG

You can use one commandline with two commands (gs, convert) connected through a pipe, if the first command can write its output to stdout, and if the second one can read its input from stdin. Luckily, gs can write to stdout (… -o %stdout …). Luckily, convert can read from stdin (convert -background transparent – … Read more