How to protect against direct access to images? [closed] You link the img element to a php file. This file checks if the user has the right permission, if so it can send an img response back. <img src=”″ alt=”” /> Still someone with the permission can download the image and provide it to other people somewhere else (webspace/mail/whatever). To make it a … Read more

How is it possible to access memory of other processes?

In all likelyhood, the tool uses ReadProcessMemory or some variant, which requires PROCESS_VM_READ access. With respect to your “malicious” comment, remember that you (or the process invoking this API, which likely needs Administrator-level permissions) already has total control over the machine. The security game is already lost at this point.

How to send password securely via HTTP using Javascript in absence of HTTPS?

There is no way to send a password securely that the user can verify without SSL. Sure, you can write some JavaScript that will make a password secure for over-the-wire transmission through hashing or public-key-encryption. But how can the user be sure that the JavaScript itself has not been tampered with by a man-in-the-middle before … Read more