Get UITableView to scroll to the selected UITextField and Avoid Being Hidden by Keyboard

In my app, I have successfully used a combination of contentInset and scrollToRowAtIndexPath like this: When you want to display the keyboard, just add a contentInset at the bottom with your table with desired height: tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, height, 0); Then, you can safely use [tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:cell_index inSection:cell_section] animated:YES]; By adding the contentInset, … Read more

Use xcodebuild (Xcode 8) and automatic signing in CI (Travis/Jenkins) environments

I basically run into the same issue using Jenkins CI and the Xcode Plugin. I ended up doing the build and codesigning stuff myself using xcodebuild. 0. Prerequisites In order to get the following steps done successfully, you need to have installed the necessary provisioning profiles and certificates. That means your code signing should already … Read more

Xcode 4 – “Archive” is greyed out?

You have to select the device in the schemes menu in the top left where you used to select between simulator/device. It won’t let you archive a build for the simulator. Or you may find that if the iOS device is already selected the archive box isn’t selected when you choose “Edit Schemes” => “Build”.