Using for await…of with synchronous iterables

Yes, it is strange, and you should not do this. Don’t iterate arrays of promises, it leads exactly to the unhandled-rejections problem you mentioned. (See also this more specific explanation.)

So why is this supported in the language? To continue with the sloppy promise semantics.

You can find the exact reasoning in this comment of the issue discussing this part of the proposal:

I think we should fall back to Symbol.iterator because our current
Promise semantics are all about allowing sync things to be used as
async things. You might call this “sloppiness”. It follows
@groundwater’s logic above,
but I just want to spell out the parallels in more detail.

The “chaining” semantics of .then are all about this. You can return a
Promise from .then or a scalar value; it’s all the same. You call
Promise.resolve not to wrap something in a Promise, but to cast
something to a Promise–get an asynchronous value when you have

The semantics of async and await are all about being sloppy as well.
You can slap await on any non-Promise expression in an async function
and everything works fine, exactly the same way, except that you yield
control to the job queue. Similarly, you can “defensively” put async
around whatever you want, as long as you await the result. If you have
a function that returns a Promise–whatever! you can make that an
async function, and, from a user perspective, nothing changes (even
if, technically, you get a different Promise object out).

Async iterators and generators should work the same way. Just like you
can await a value that, accidentally, wasn’t a Promise, a reasonable
user would expect to be able to yield* a sync iterator within an async
generator. for await loops should similarly “just work” if a user
defensively marks a loop that way, thinking that they maybe might be
getting an async iterator.

I think it would be a big deal to break all of these parallels. It
would make async iterators less ergonomic. Let’s discuss this the next
time async generators/iterators come up on the agenda at TC39.

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