Get Knex.js transactions working with ES7 async/await

I couldn’t find a solid answer for this anywhere (with rollbacks and commits) so here’s my solution.

First you need to “Promisify” the knex.transaction function. There are libraries for this, but for a quick example I did this:

const promisify = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => fn(resolve));

This example creates a blog post and a comment, and rolls back both if there’s an error with either.

const trx = await promisify(db.transaction);

try {
  const postId = await trx('blog_posts')
  .insert({ title, body })
  .returning('id'); // returns an array of ids

  const commentId = await trx('comments')
  .insert({ post_id: postId[0], message })

  await trx.commit();
} catch (e) {
  await trx.rollback();

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