Using multiple instances of the same service

Angular DI maintains a single instance per provider. In your case if you have two constructor parameters with the same type, they resolve to the same instance.

What you can do is to provide a factory function (different from a simple useFactory provider event though it uses it as well)

(Example copied from

{ provide: EditorService, useFactory: 
    (dep1, dep2) => {
        return (x) => { 
            new EditorService(x, dep1, dep2);
    }, deps: [Dep1, Dep2]


constructor(@Inject(EditorService) editorServiceFactory: any) {
  let editorService1 = editorServiceFactory(1);
  let editorService2 = editorServiceFactory(2);

If you have a fixed number of instances this should work:

{ provide: 'instance1', useClass: EditorService },
{ provide: 'instance2', useClass: EditorService },
export class SomeComponent {
        @Inject('instance1') private _appleEditorService: EditorService,
        @Inject('instance2') private _pearEditorService: EditorService) {}

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