Visual studio one project with several dlls as output?

You could create one project for each plugin and group all projects in a solution.

If you don’t want to have one project per plugin, you could create a custom build with MSBuild using CSC task

How to generate a dll for each plugin file

  1. In a project you add all plugins files

  2. Edit the project file to specify which class will generate a plugin library :

      <Compile Include="Class1.cs">
      <Compile Include="Class2.cs" />
      <Compile Include="Class3.cs">
      <Compile Include="Program.cs" />
      <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
  3. Add a new target in your project file to generate the plugins library

    <Target Name="BuildPlugins">
      <CSC Condition="%(Compile.Plugin) == 'true'"
           EmitDebugInformation="true" />
  4. If you want to create the plugins library after each build, add an after build target :

    <Target Name="AfterBuild" DependsOnTargets="BuildPlugins">

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