What is the proper way of implementing a good “itoa()” function?

// Yet, another good itoa implementation
// returns: the length of the number string
int itoa(int value, char *sp, int radix)
    char tmp[16];// be careful with the length of the buffer
    char *tp = tmp;
    int i;
    unsigned v;

    int sign = (radix == 10 && value < 0);    
    if (sign)
        v = -value;
        v = (unsigned)value;

    while (v || tp == tmp)
        i = v % radix;
        v /= radix;
        if (i < 10)
          *tp++ = i+'0';
          *tp++ = i + 'a' - 10;

    int len = tp - tmp;

    if (sign) 
        *sp++ = '-';

    while (tp > tmp)
        *sp++ = *--tp;

    return len;

// Usage Example:
char int_str[15]; // be careful with the length of the buffer
int n = 56789;
int len = itoa(n,int_str,10);

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