What should a C++ getter return

You can provide both const and non-const versions:

MyType       & MyClass::getMyType()       { return mMyType; }
MyType const & MyClass::getMyType() const { return mMyType; }

I wouldn’t provide a pointer version, since that implies that the return value might be the null pointer, which it can never be in this instance.

The real point, however, is that you are basically giving the caller direct access to the internal object. If this is your intent, then you may as well make the data member public. If it isn’t, then you will need to work harder to hide the object.

One option is to retain the MyType const & accessor, but provide more indirect means to modify the internal object (setMyType(…) or something more tailored to the semantics that you are trying to express at the level of the containing class).

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