What should image sizes be at @1x, @2x and @3x in Xcode?

According to my understanding, if the image size is 100 * 100

@1x -> 100 * 100

@2x -> 200 * 200

@3x -> 300 * 300

enter image description here

There is something to understand. By creating 2x and 3x images, you can’t expect exact same layout from each iPhone screen. The layout will be different from screen to screen. 1x, 2x and 3x image sizes dealing with only the pixel density of the screen.

Suppose you have an image which is 320 * 70 and you are creating

@1x -> 320 * 70

@2x -> 640 * 140

@3x -> 960 * 210

This will be your output in different screens.
enter image description here

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