What’s the difference between using the return statement and omitting the semicolon in Rust?

A return statement, otherwise known as an early return, will return an object from the last/innermost function-like scope. (Function-like because it applies to both closures and functions)

let x = || {
    return 0;
    println!("This will never happen!");
fn foo() {
    return 0;
    println!("This won't happen either");

An absent semicolon will instead evaluate the expression, like a return, but only return to the last/innermost scope, or in other words, it returns from within any set of {}.

let x = {           // Scope start
};                  // Scope end

fn foo() -> usize { // Scope start
}                   // Scope end

return statement will break out of any amount of nested scopes until it hits a function-like scope:

fn foo() -> usize {// <------------------------------------------\
    {                                                      //    |
        {                                                  //    |
            {                                              //    |
                {                                          //    |
                    {                                      //    |
                        {                                  //    |
                            {                              //    |
                                {                          //    |
                                    {                      //    |
                                        {                  //    |
                                            {              //    |
                                                 return 0; // ---/

The return statement also has a type of its own, that is to say that let x = return; will actually compile.

A return statement will evaluate to !, AKA the never type. You can’t name it in stable rust right now, but it will eventually become stable and usable.

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