When is a method eligible to be inlined by the CLR?

It is a jitter implementation detail, the x86 and x64 jitters have subtly different rules. This is casually documented in blog posts of team members that worked on the jitter but the teams certainly reserve the right to alter the rules. Looks like you already found them.

Inlining methods from other assemblies is most certainly supported, a lot of the .NET classes would work quite miserably if that wasn’t the case. You can see it at work when you look at the machine code generated for Console.WriteLine(), it often gets inlined when you pass a simple string. To see this for yourself, you need to switch to the Release build and change a debugger option. Tools + Options, Debugging, General, untick “Suppress JIT optimization on module load”.

There is otherwise no good reason to consider MethodImpOptions.NoInlining maligned, it’s pretty much why it exists in the first place. It is in fact used intentionally in the .NET framework on lots of small public methods that call an internal helper method. It makes exception stack traces easier to diagnose.

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