Why do NULL values come first when ordering DESC in a PostgreSQL query?

Actually, with default sort order (ASCENDING) NULL values come last.

Logic dictates that the sort order be reversed with the DESCENDING keyword, so NULLs come first in this case.

But the best part comes last: you can choose which way you want it:

Quoting the current manual, version 9.3 as of writing:

If NULLS LAST is specified, null values sort after all non-null
values; if NULLS FIRST is specified, null values sort before all
non-null values. If neither is specified, the default behavior is
NULLS LAST when ASC is specified or implied
is specified (thus, the default is to act as though nulls are larger
than non-nulls). When USING is specified, the default nulls ordering
depends on whether the operator is a less-than or greater-than operator.

Bold emphasis mine.

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