How to delete duplicate rows without unique identifier

I like @erwin-brandstetter ‘s solution, but wanted to show a solution with the USING keyword:

DELETE   FROM table_with_dups T1
  USING       table_with_dups T2
WHERE  T1.ctid    < T2.ctid       -- delete the "older" ones
  AND    =       -- list columns that define duplicates
  AND  T1.address = T2.address
  AND  T1.zipcode = T2.zipcode;

If you want to review the records before deleting them, then simply replace DELETE with SELECT * and USING with a comma ,, i.e.

SELECT * FROM table_with_dups T1
  ,           table_with_dups T2
WHERE  T1.ctid    < T2.ctid       -- select the "older" ones
  AND    =       -- list columns that define duplicates
  AND  T1.address = T2.address
  AND  T1.zipcode = T2.zipcode;

Update: I tested some of the different solutions here for speed. If you don’t expect many duplicates, then this solution performs much better than the ones that have a NOT IN (...) clause as those generate a lot of rows in the subquery.

If you rewrite the query to use IN (...) then it performs similarly to the solution presented here, but the SQL code becomes much less concise.

Update 2: If you have NULL values in one of the key columns (which you really shouldn’t IMO), then you can use COALESCE() in the condition for that column, e.g.

  AND COALESCE(T1.col_with_nulls, '[NULL]') = COALESCE(T2.col_with_nulls, '[NULL]')

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