Why is rbindlist “better” than rbind?

rbindlist is an optimized version of do.call(rbind, list(...)), which is known for being slow when using rbind.data.frame

Where does it really excel

Some questions that show where rbindlist shines are

Fast vectorized merge of list of data.frames by row

Trouble converting long list of data.frames (~1 million) to single data.frame using do.call and ldply

These have benchmarks that show how fast it can be.

rbind.data.frame is slow, for a reason

rbind.data.frame does lots of checking, and will match by name. (i.e. rbind.data.frame will account for the fact that columns may be in different orders, and match up by name), rbindlist doesn’t do this kind of checking, and will join by position


do.call(rbind, list(data.frame(a = 1:2, b = 2:3), data.frame(b = 1:2, a = 2:3)))
##    a b
## 1  1 2
## 2  2 3
## 3  2 1
## 4  3 2

rbindlist(list(data.frame(a = 1:5, b = 2:6), data.frame(b = 1:5, a = 2:6)))
##     a b
##  1: 1 2
##  2: 2 3
##  3: 1 2
##  4: 2 3

Some other limitations of rbindlist

It used to struggle to deal with factors, due to a bug that has since been fixed:

rbindlist two data.tables where one has factor and other has character type for a column (Bug #2650)

It has problems with duplicate column names

Warning message: in rbindlist(allargs) : NAs introduced by coercion: possible bug in data.table? (Bug #2384)

rbind.data.frame rownames can be frustrating

rbindlist can handle lists data.frames and data.tables, and will return a data.table without rownames

you can get in a muddle of rownames using do.call(rbind, list(...))

How to avoid renaming of rows when using rbind inside do.call?

Memory efficiency

In terms of memory rbindlist is implemented in C, so is memory efficient, it uses setattr to set attributes by reference

rbind.data.frame is implemented in R, it does lots of assigning, and uses attr<- (and class<- and rownames<- all of which will (internally) create copies of the created data.frame.

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