wWinmain, Unicode, and Mingw

For old versions of MinGW, you can use a wrapper:



Simple wrappers to add wmain and wWinMain support in MinGW

These wrappers allow for use of wmain / wWinMain in MinGW seamlessly
with Unicode (WCHAR), regular (CHAR), or the ability to choose

The instructions for using them are in the files. Also take a look at
other programs that use them.

For new versions of MinGW, you should use the -municode option, like it says in the mingw-unicode-main readme:

Note: This should no longer be used as MinGW now has a built-in
solution. Add -municode to the command line (and possibly extern “C”
to the wmain function).

The -municode option works with MinGW-w64. In 2012-07, when I tried MinGW, it did not have the -municode option.

Here is how to install MinGW-w64:

Target Win32:

Target Win64:

Unicode-related questions:

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