ASP.Net MVC and state – how to keep state between requests

It’s been some time since I posted the question, which was quite colored by my little experience and knowledge of MVC. Still I received some quite useful input, that eventually led me to find a solution and also gain some insight of MVC.

What threw me off in the first place, was that you could have a controller with a strongly typed object as a parameter, like this:

public ActionResult DoSomething(MyClass myObject)...

This object originated from the same controller:

return View(myObject);

This lead me to believe that the object lived throughout these two steps, and that I somehow could expect that you could send it to the view, do something and then “magically” get it back to the controller again.

After reading up about model binding, I understood that this is of course not the case. The view is completely dead and static, and unless you store the information somewhere, it is gone.

Going back to the problem, which was selecting and uploading files from the client, and building up a list of these files to be displayed, I realized that in general there are three ways to store information between requests in MVC:

  1. You can store information in form fields in the view, and post it back to the controller later
  2. You can persist it in some kind of storage, e.g. a file or a database
  3. You can store it in server memory by acessing objects that lives throughout requests, e.g. session variables

In my case, I had basically two types of information to persist:
1. The file metadata (file name, file size etc.)
2. The file content

The “by-the-book” approach would probably be to store the metadata in form fields, and the file contents in a file or in db. But there is also another way. Since I know my files are quite small and there will be only a few of them, and this solution will never be deployed in a server farm or similar, I wanted to explore the #3 option of session variables. The files are also not interesting to persist beyond the session – they are processed and discarded, so I did not want to store them in my db.

After reading this excellent article:
Accessing ASP.NET Session Data Using Dynamics

I was convinced. I simply created a sessionbag class as described in the article, and then I could do the following in my controller:

    public ActionResult AddImportFile(HttpPostedFileBase file)

        ImportDataViewModel importData = SessionBag.Current.ImportData;
        if (importData == null) importData = new ImportDataViewModel();

        if (file == null)
            return RedirectToAction("DataImport");

        if (file.ContentLength > 0)
            ImportDataFile idFile = new ImportDataFile { File = file };

        SessionBag.Current.ImportData = importData;

        return RedirectToAction("DataImport");

I am fully aware that in most cases, this would be a bad solution. But for the few kb of server memory the files occupy and with the simplicity of it all, I think it worked out very nicely for me.

The additional bonus of using the SessionBag is that if the user entered a different menu item and then came back, the list of files would still be there. This would not be the case e.g. when choosing the form fields/file storage option.

As a final remark, I realize that the SessionBag is very easy to abuse, given the simplicity of use. But if you use it for what it is meant for, namely session data, I think it can be a powerful tool.

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