Can Windows Store applications be built with Mingw?

You would need to use the Windows Runtime C++ Template Library (WRL) directly, you wouldn’t be able to use C++/CX as Mingw doesn’t support it. Other than that, I think you just need the Windows 8 SDK, then you need to configure Mingw to use the headers and libraries. Also, you won’t be able to use XAML to describe your user interface, you’ll have to manually create your UI in code.

Rather than attempt to write the entire application with mingw and cross compile it with linux, you can write your core libraries with mingw, then write a simple UI wrapper over the libraries using Visual Studio Express (free). That way you can use all the nice stuff like XAML and ref-counted instances.

This is the approach I have taken – using libraries written in C++, and then a separate UI project (using XAML) which references the other libraries. It works well.

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