Compare version strings in groovy

This appears to work

String mostRecentVersion(List versions) {
  def sorted = versions.sort(false) { a, b -> 

    List verA = a.tokenize('.')
    List verB = b.tokenize('.')
    def commonIndices = Math.min(verA.size(), verB.size())
    for (int i = 0; i < commonIndices; ++i) {
      def numA = verA[i].toInteger()
      def numB = verB[i].toInteger()
      if (numA != numB) {
        return numA <=> numB
    // If we got this far then all the common indices are identical, so whichever version is longer must be more recent
    verA.size() <=> verB.size()
  println "sorted versions: $sorted"

Here is an inadequate set of tests. You should add some more.

assert mostRecentVersion(['', '', '']) == '' 
assert mostRecentVersion(['4', '2']) == '4'
assert mostRecentVersion(['4.1', '4']) == '4.1'
assert mostRecentVersion(['4.1', '5']) == '5'

Run this code and the tests in the Groovy console to verify that it works

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