const reference to a temporary object becomes broken after function scope (life time)

The lifetime-extension of a temporary object can be performed only once, when the temporary object gets bound to the first reference. After that, the knowledge that the reference refers to a temporary object is gone, so further lifetime extensions are not possible.

The case that is puzzling you

A const& refnop = A(a).nothing();

is similar to this case:

A const& foo(A const& bar)
    return bar;
A const& broken = foo(A());

In both cases, the temporary gets bound to the function argument (the implicit this for nothing(), bar for foo()) and gets its lifetime ‘extended’ to the lifetime of the function argument. I put ‘extended’ in quotes, because the natural lifetime of the temporary is already longer, so no actual extension takes place.

Because the lifetime extension property is non-transitive, returning a reference (that happens to refer to a temporary object) will not further extend the lifetime of the temporary object, with as result that both refnop and broken end up referring to objects that no longer exist.

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