Detecting that the browser has no mouse and is touch-only

As of 2018 there is a good and reliable way to detect if a browser has a mouse (or similar input device): CSS4 media interaction features which are now supported by almost any modern browser (except IE 11 and special mobile browsers).


The pointer media feature is used to query the presence and accuracy
of a pointing device such as a mouse.

See the following options:

    /* The primary input mechanism of the device includes a 
pointing device of limited accuracy. */
    @media (pointer: coarse) { ... }
    /* The primary input mechanism of the device 
includes an accurate pointing device. */
    @media (pointer: fine) { ... }
    /* The primary input mechanism of the 
device does not include a pointing device. */
    @media (pointer: none) { ... }

    /* Primary input mechanism system can 
       hover over elements with ease */
    @media (hover: hover) { ... }
    /* Primary input mechanism cannot hover 
       at all or cannot conveniently hover 
       (e.g., many mobile devices emulate hovering
       when the user performs an inconvenient long tap), 
       or there is no primary pointing input mechanism */
    @media (hover: none) { ... }
    /* One or more available input mechanism(s) 
       can hover over elements with ease */
    @media (any-hover: hover) { ... }
    /* One or more available input mechanism(s) cannot 
       hover (or there are no pointing input mechanisms) */
    @media (any-hover: none) { ... }

Media queries can also be used in JS:

if(window.matchMedia("(any-hover: none)").matches) {
    // do something


W3 documentation:

Browser support:

Similar problem: Detect if a client device supports :hover and :focus states

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