Does GCC’s __attribute__((__packed__)) retain the original ordering?

Yes, __attribute__((packed)) (no need for second set of underscores) is a correct way to implement binary (i.e. non-text) network protocols. There will be no gaps between the elements.

However you should understand that packed not only packs the structure, but also:

  • makes its required alignment one byte, and
  • makes sure that its members, which may get misaligned by the packing and by lack of alignment requirement of the struct itself, are read and written correctly, i.e. misalignment of its fields is dealt with in software by the compiler.

However, the compiler will only deal with misalignment if you access the struct members directly. You should never make a pointer to a member of a packed struct (except when you know the member’s required alignment is 1, like char or another packed struct). The following C code demonstrates the issue:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

struct packet {
    uint8_t x;
    uint32_t y;
} __attribute__((packed));

int main ()
    uint8_t bytes[5] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 2};
    struct packet *p = (struct packet *)bytes;

    // compiler handles misalignment because it knows that
    // "struct packet" is packed
    printf("y=%"PRIX32", ", ntohl(p->y));

    // compiler does not handle misalignment - py does not inherit
    // the packed attribute
    uint32_t *py = &p->y;
    printf("*py=%"PRIX32"\n", ntohl(*py));
    return 0;

On an x86 system (which does not enforce memory access alignment), this will produce

y=2, *py=2

as expected. On the other hand on my ARM Linux board, for example, it produced the seemingly wrong result

y=2, *py=1

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