Entity Framework query slow, but same SQL in SqlQuery is fast

Found it. It turns out it’s an issue of SQL data types. The SomeStringProp column in the database was a varchar, but EF assumes that .NET string types are nvarchars. The resulting translation process during the query for the DB to do the comparison is what takes a long time. I think EF Prof was leading me astray a bit here, a more accurate representation of the query being run would be the following:

 SELECT [Extent1].[ID], [Extent1].[SomeStringProp], [Extent1].[SomeOtherProp],
 FROM [MyTable] as [Extent1]
 WHERE [Extent1].[SomeStringProp] = N'1234567890'

So the resulting fix is to annotate the code-first model, indicating the correct SQL data type:

public class MyTable

    public string SomeStringProp { get; set; }


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