Getting imported json data into a data frame

You just need to replace your NULLs with NAs:


json_file <-  '[{"name":"Doe, John","group":"Red","age (y)":24,"height (cm)":182,"wieght (kg)":74.8,"score":null},
    {"name":"Doe, Jane","group":"Green","age (y)":30,"height (cm)":170,"wieght (kg)":70.1,"score":500},
    {"name":"Smith, Joan","group":"Yellow","age (y)":41,"height (cm)":169,"wieght (kg)":60,"score":null},
    {"name":"Brown, Sam","group":"Green","age (y)":22,"height (cm)":183,"wieght (kg)":75,"score":865},
    {"name":"Jones, Larry","group":"Green","age (y)":31,"height (cm)":178,"wieght (kg)":83.9,"score":221},
    {"name":"Murray, Seth","group":"Red","age (y)":35,"height (cm)":172,"wieght (kg)":76.2,"score":413},
    {"name":"Doe, Jane","group":"Yellow","age (y)":22,"height (cm)":164,"wieght (kg)":68,"score":902}]'

json_file <- fromJSON(json_file)

json_file <- lapply(json_file, function(x) {
  x[sapply(x, is.null)] <- NA

Once you have a non-null value for each element, you can call rbind without getting an error:"rbind", json_file)
     name           group    age (y) height (cm) wieght (kg) score
[1,] "Doe, John"    "Red"    "24"    "182"       "74.8"      NA   
[2,] "Doe, Jane"    "Green"  "30"    "170"       "70.1"      "500"
[3,] "Smith, Joan"  "Yellow" "41"    "169"       "60"        NA   
[4,] "Brown, Sam"   "Green"  "22"    "183"       "75"        "865"
[5,] "Jones, Larry" "Green"  "31"    "178"       "83.9"      "221"
[6,] "Murray, Seth" "Red"    "35"    "172"       "76.2"      "413"
[7,] "Doe, Jane"    "Yellow" "22"    "164"       "68"        "902"

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