how to draw a line on a image?

“Draw a line on a bmp image which is pass into a method using drawline method in C#”

PaintEventArgs e would suggest that you are doing this during the “paint” event for an object. Since you are calling this in a method, then no you do not need to add PaintEventArgs e anywhere.

To do this in a method, use @BFree’s answer.

public void DrawLineInt(Bitmap bmp)
    Pen blackPen = new Pen(Color.Black, 3);

    int x1 = 100;
    int y1 = 100;
    int x2 = 500;
    int y2 = 100;
    // Draw line to screen.
    using(var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
       graphics.DrawLine(blackPen, x1, y1, x2, y2);

The “Paint” event is raised when the object is redrawn. For more information see:

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