Is !important bad for performance?

It shouldn’t have any discernible effects on performance. Seeing Firefox’s CSS parser at /source/layout/style/nsCSSDataBlock.cpp#572 and I think that is the relevant routine, handling overwriting of CSS rules.

It just seems to be a simple check for “important”.

  if (aIsImportant) {
    if (!HasImportantBit(aPropID))
      changed = PR_TRUE;
  } else {
    // ...

Also, comments at source/layout/style/nsCSSDataBlock.h#219

     * Transfer the state for |aPropID| (which may be a shorthand)
     * from |aFromBlock| to this block.  The property being transferred
     * is !important if |aIsImportant| is true, and should replace an
     * existing !important property regardless of its own importance
     * if |aOverrideImportant| is true.
     * ...

  1. Firefox uses a top down parser written manually. In both cases each
    CSS file is parsed into a StyleSheet object, each object contains CSS

  2. Firefox then creates style context trees which contain the end values
    (after applying all rules in the right order)

CSS Parser Firefox


Now, you can easily see, in such as case with the Object Model described above, the parser can mark the rules affected by the !important easily, without much of a subsequent cost. Performance degradation is not a good argument against !important.

However, maintainability does take a hit (as other answers mentioned), which might be your only argument against them.

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