Is there a standard way of moving a range into a vector?

You use a move_iterator with insert:

v1.insert(v1.end(), make_move_iterator(v2.begin()), make_move_iterator(v2.end()));

The example in 24.5.3 is almost exactly this.

You’ll get the optimization you want if (a) vector::insert uses iterator-tag dispatch to detect the random-access iterator and precalculate the size (which you’ve assumed it does in your example that copies), and (b) move_iterator preserves the iterator category of the iterator it wraps (which is required by the standard).

On an obscure point: I’m pretty sure that vector::insert can emplace from the source (which is irrelevant here, since the source is the same type as the destination, so an emplace is the same as a copy/move, but would be relevant to otherwise-identical examples). I haven’t yet found a statement that it’s required to do so, I’ve just inferred it from the fact that the requirement on the iterator pair i,j passed to insert is that T be EmplaceConstructible from *i.

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