mysql sorting of version numbers

Try abusing the INET_ATON function to do the sorting like so:

SELECT version_number FROM table ORDER BY INET_ATON(SUBSTRING_INDEX(CONCAT(version_number,'.0.0.0'),'.',4))

This trick was originally posted on the mysql mailing list, so many thanks to the original poster, Michael Stassen!

Here’s what he had to say:

If each part is no larger than 255, you can leverage INET_ATON() to do
what you want (up to the 4th part). The trick is making each of these
look like an IP first by using CONCAT to add ‘0.0.0’ to make sure every
row has at least 4 parts, then SUBSTRING_INDEX to pull out just the
first 4 parts.

Now, I must point out that because we are sorting on a function of the
column, rather than on the column itself, we cannot use an index on the
column to help with the sort. In other words, the sorting will be
relatively slow.

In the latter case, he recommends a solution similar to the one posted by @spanky (separate columns).

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